At, our mission is to provide you with the best deals, sales, and recommendations to help you save money while shopping. We aim to offer valuable content that empowers your purchasing decisions and enhances your overall shopping experience. To maintain transparency and build trust with our readers, we want to clearly explain how our website operates and how we earn revenue to support our efforts.
Many of the links on our website are affiliate links. This means that if you click on these links and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions come from the retailers themselves and do not impact the price. These commissions are vital for maintaining and improving our website. They enable us to continue delivering high-quality content, exclusive deals, and the most up-to-date sales information available. Our partnerships with retailers and brands are designed to provide you with opportunities to save money while allowing us to sustain and grow our brand and team. It’s a win-win-win for all of us.
Our primary goal is to serve our readers by providing accurate, helpful, and unbiased recommendations tailored to your shopping needs. While we may earn a commission through affiliate links, we are committed to upholding our editorial integrity. This means that our product reviews, deal highlights, and other content are created independently and are not influenced by our affiliate partnerships. We only promote products and services that we genuinely believe offer value to our audience, ensuring that your interests always come first.
No Additional Cost: Using our affiliate links does not affect the price you pay for a product or service. The commission is paid by the retailer or brand as a thank-you for referring you to their site, meaning there is no extra cost to you.
Unbiased Recommendations: Our team independently researches and selects products, deals, and recommendations based on quality, relevance, and value. We do not allow the potential commission we might earn to compromise the integrity of our suggestions.
Transparency First: Transparency is one of our core principles. Whenever an affiliate link is used, we strive to make this clear to you. This ensures you can shop confidently, knowing how our website operates.
Supporting Our Mission: By using our affiliate links, you directly support our mission to help shoppers find the best deals and savings opportunities. Your support allows us to keep the website free to use and accessible to everyone.
When you choose to use our affiliate links, you’re not only taking advantage of great deals but also contributing to the sustainability of our platform. Your support enables us to continue offering content that saves you time and money. It allows us to invest in expanding our offerings, refining our recommendations, and improving your overall experience. We deeply appreciate your trust and the role you play in helping us achieve our mission. We really, really love what we do and we’re thankful to you that we get to keep on doing it.